SPOT ON Club at Manchester United

The Danish sponsorship members group, SPOT:ON Club, organised a London working trip for members and, as the London-based member of the group’s Advisory Board, Sophie Morris, Director of Millharbour Marketing (now Sponsor View) arranged two outstanding speaker panels for the visit.

With both sponsors and rights holders represented from some of the best UK sponsorships, this was a really unique experience. Both sessions delivered inspiring case studies and fascinating discussions in this intimate and exclusive event format.

Day One – Sports

Danielle Yallop, Manchester United

Tom Barnsley, McDonald’s

Jenny Seymour, British Paralympic Association

Matt Bates, Vitality

Day Two – Arts and Culture

Lorna Killik, V&A

Susannah Jacques, Hyundai

Camilla Lawson, Barbican

Katie Hirst, Science Museum

SPOT:ON Club, the Danish sponsorship members group, was formed two years ago following an inaugural sponsorship conference in Denmark.

Sophie Morris spoke at that conference and afterwards was asked to become a member of the Advisory Board to help turn the annual conference into a members club with year-round events and an awards ceremony. SPOT:ON Club also has a partnership with ESA (European Sponsorship Association) to help unite the sponsorship community across Europe.