Sophie Morris speaking at F.C. Copenhagen

We joined F.C. Copenhagen’s sponsor business club ‘GOAL’ in Copenhagen last week to talk about the power of sponsorship and how brands can maximise its impact.

The end of season meeting of the GOAL club was a fantastic opportunity to bring the club’s sponsors together with presentations from Katja Moesgaard, COO, and Alex Rasmussen, Sales Director, as well as a panel of GOAL club members talking about their activations with the club.

In our session, Sophie Morris, Director of Millharbour Marketing (now Sponsor View), was interviewed by Alex Rasmussen and answered questions about:

  • why brands should use sponsorship;
  • the place it has in the marketing mix;
  • what business impact sponsors can expect to achieve;
  • how to best maximise activation;
  • and how to measure sponsorship effectiveness, giving award-winning examples from UK Sponsorship Awards and European Sponsorship Association Awards.

Sophie also gave an interview for F.C. Copenhagen’s “Sponsor-podcast” series where she spoke about:

  • why sponsors aren’t currently making the most of the long-term brand building potential that sponsorship has;
  • the importance of the relationship for sponsor satisfaction when playing performance is not predictable;
  • how clubs can look outside of the traditional assets to provide better value to their sponsors;
  • and how both sponsor and club can work together to measure the impact of the sponsorship.

You can listen to the seminar session and the further interview below.

It was very impressive to see how the club engages with its sponsors, creating an open, informative and social event to help the businesses network together, learn more about what the club is doing and to get sponsorship activation ideas.

F.C. Copenhagen also organised some ‘unforgettable moments’ when all attendees could shoot a penalty against club goalkeeper, Jesper Christiansen, and enjoy drinks and dinner on the pristine pitch.

Alex Rasmussen and Sophie Morris are also Advisory Board members of the SPOT:ON Club, the Danish members’ club which is driving the sponsorship community in Denmark forward to achieve more powerful and effective marketing.

You can see the highlights from the F.C. Copenhagen GOAL event in the video below. (Photos by Samy Khabthani)