Service impacts the perceived value of sponsorship

Sponsors believe that service should be a fundamental part of the rights holder’s value proposition. Through the first-of-a-kind research on sponsorship service conducted in partnership with Loughborough University London, we showed that sponsors attribute significant importance to the service level they receive from rights holders. We also contextualised its importance and found that it is…

The importance of service for sponsors

Service is central to sponsorship – it affects performance and trust. The data gathered in our three-year study on sponsorship service¹ paints a very clear picture. Sponsors are fully aware of the importance that the service received from rights holders has on the success of their sponsorship investment. In a previous article, ‘The role of…

The role of service in sponsors’ decision making

Our global study shows the increasing importance of service to sponsors. Why investigate sponsorship service Between 2018-2021, we conducted the ‘first of its kind’ research¹ to define what constitutes sponsorship service and the role it plays in the commercial relationship between sponsors and rights holders. In this global study with leading sponsors – conducted in collaboration…