Sponsor View
Sponsor View

Sponsor satisfaction research and measurement

Identify what matters to your sponsors

Sponsor View gives rights holders the in-depth understanding to advance their value proposition and increase sponsor satisfaction.

As independent experts we investigate, we investigate the extent to which sponsors’ expectations are met in terms of performance, rights acquired, and service received.

This research provides rich insights and a measurement framework that rights holders use to monitor the evolution of their sponsors’ needs, efficiently improve, and drive excellence in the management of these complex business relationships.

Our interview-based methodology is built on a world-leading academic study conducted in collaboration with Loughborough University London and is carried out by a team of industry practitioners and scientific experts.

Our study shows that service is central to the success of any sponsorship. ¹

Sponsorship service constitutes a substantial component of the sponsors’ overall satisfaction and spans multiple dimensions that reach far beyond the mere delivery of the contractual obligations.

The quality of service that rights holders provide has a growing impact on the value of the sponsorship and is a major factor in a sponsor’s decision to sign or renew a contract.

Yet, sponsor feedback methodologies haven’t been able to keep up with the growing complexity of the sponsor-rights holder dynamic, leaving the latter often uncertain about how the relationships should improve and evolve.

¹ From “What drives service quality in sponsorship”. A global research study with 384 leading sponsors conducted between 2018-2021 by Millharbour Marketing and Loughborough University.

Why Sponsor View exists

We empower rights holders to grow their commercial performance by providing insights that drive sponsor satisfaction and strengthen relationships. 


Our objective is to help our clients increase the value they offer sponsors driving both retention and acquisition.

What rights holders say about Sponsor View

How rights holders benefit from Sponsor View

Superior insights

  • Scientifically robust research methodology 
  • In-depth insights and actionable findings
  • Independent and transparent data gathering and analysis
  • Measurable insights for continuous evaluation

Easier sponsor management

  • Understand the diverse needs of sponsors
  • Prioritise areas of improvement
  • Review processes and raise standards

Tangible business results

  • Bring efficiency and cost-saving
  • Improve sponsor satisfaction and renewal rates
  • Make sponsorship relationship management measurable and accountable 
  • Identify how to optimise and evolve your sponsorship assets

Science-based and practice-led

Our research service is built on a statistically validated model developed in collaboration with sponsorship experts and Loughborough University London. Based on extensive research involving over 380 sponsors, we’ve identified the key factors that drive sponsor satisfaction.

This has led to the creation of a Sponsorship Service Quality measurement scale and a comprehensive framework for assessing sponsor satisfaction on behalf of individual rights holders


Research of this calibre on sponsorship service


Research and analysis methodology

Highly Reliable

Statistical significance of findings

Worldwide Study

Targeting prominent sponsors and covering all the main sponsorship markets

384 Leading Professionals

Qualified through strict criteria over experience and seniority

Created and delivered in collaboration

Sponsor View is the result of a longstanding collaboration between Millharbour Marketing (our parent company) and Loughborough University London.

Our team of industry practitioners and academics is dedicated to advancing knowledge in sponsorship, business management, and education.

Driven by curiosity, a commitment to learning, and a strong emphasis on listening and dialogue, we create tools that empower our clients to achieve excellence, innovation, and growth.

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